

class spey.backends.default_pdf.ThirdMomentExpansion(signal_yields: ndarray, background_yields: ndarray, data: ndarray, covariance_matrix: ndarray, third_moment: ndarray, signal_uncertainty_configuration: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]#

Simplified likelihood interface with third moment expansion. Third moment expansion follows simplified likelihood construction and modifies the \(\lambda\) and \(\Sigma\). Using the expected background yields, \(m^{(1)}_i\), diagonal elements of the third moments, \(m^{(3)}_i\) and the covariance matrix, \(m^{(2)}_{ij}\), one can write a modified correlation matrix and \(\lambda\) function as follows

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}C_i &= -sign(m^{(3)}_i) \sqrt{2 m^{(2)}_{ii}} \cos\left( \frac{4\pi}{3} + \frac{1}{3}\arctan\left(\sqrt{ \frac{8(m^{(2)}_{ii})^3}{(m^{(3)}_i)^2} - 1}\right) \right)\\B_i &= \sqrt{m^{(2)}_{ii} - 2 C_i^2}\\A_i &= m^{(1)}_i - C_i\\\rho_{ij} &= \frac{1}{4C_iC_j} \left( \sqrt{(B_iB_j)^2 + 8C_iC_jm^{(2)}_{ij}} - B_iB_j \right)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

which further modifies \(\lambda_i(\mu, \theta) = \mu n^i_{sig} + A_i + B_i \theta_i + C_i \theta_i^2\) and the multivariate normal has been modified via the inverse of the correlation matrix, \(\mathcal{N}(\theta | 0, \rho^{-1})\). See [arXiv:1809.05548] Sec. 2 for details.

  • signal_yields (np.ndarray) – signal yields

  • background_yields (np.ndarray) – background yields

  • data (np.ndarray) – observations

  • covariance_matrix (np.ndarray) – covariance matrix (square matrix)

  • third_moment (np.ndarray) – third moment for each region.

  • signal_uncertainty_configuration (Dict[Text, Any]], default None) –

    Configuration input for signal uncertainties

    • absolute_uncertainties (List[float]): Absolute uncertainties for the signal

    • absolute_uncertainty_envelops (List[Tuple[float, float]]): upper and lower

      uncertainty envelops

    • correlation_matrix (List[List[float]]): Correlation matrix

    • third_moments (List[float]): diagonal elemetns of the third moment


Each input should have the same dimensionality, i.e. if data has three regions, signal_yields and background_yields inputs should have three regions as well. Additionally covariance_matrix is expected to be square matrix, thus for a three region statistical model it is expected to be 3x3 matrix. Following these, third_moment should also have three inputs.

__init__(signal_yields: ndarray, background_yields: ndarray, data: ndarray, covariance_matrix: ndarray, third_moment: ndarray, signal_uncertainty_configuration: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]#


__init__(signal_yields, background_yields, ...)

asimov_negative_loglikelihood([poi_test, ...])

Compute negative log-likelihood at fixed \(\mu\) for Asimov data.

combine(other, **kwargs)

A routine to combine to statistical models.

config([allow_negative_signal, poi_upper_bound])

Model configuration.

expected_data(pars[, include_auxiliary])

Compute the expected value of the statistical model

get_hessian_logpdf_func([expected, data])

Currently Hessian of \(\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)\) is only used to compute variance on \(\mu\).

get_logpdf_func([expected, data])

Generate function to compute \(\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)\) where \(\mu\) is the parameter of interest and \(\theta\) are nuisance parameters.

get_objective_function([expected, data, do_grad])

Objective function i.e. twice negative log-likelihood, \(-2\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)\).


Retreives the function to sample from.


A backend specific method to minimize negative log-likelihood for Asimov data.

minimize_negative_loglikelihood([expected, ...])

A backend specific method to minimize negative log-likelihood.

negative_loglikelihood([poi_test, expected])

Backend specific method to compute negative log-likelihood for a parameter of interest \(\mu\).



Constraints to be used during optimisation process



arXiv reference for the backend


Author of the backend


retreive constraint model distribution


Citable DOI for the backend


Returns True if at least one bin has non-zero signal yield.


retreive the main model distribution


Name of the backend


Spey version required for the backend


Version of the backend