

class spey.backends.default_pdf.CorrelatedBackground(signal_yields: ndarray, background_yields: ndarray, data: ndarray, covariance_matrix: ndarray, signal_uncertainty_configuration: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]#

Correlated multi-region statistical model. The correlation between each nuisance parameter has been captured via Multivariate Normal distribution and the log-probability distribution is combination of Multivariate Normal along with Poisson distribution. The Multivariate Normal distribution is constructed by the help of a covariance matrix provided by the user which captures the uncertainties and background correlations between each histogram bin. The probability distribution of a simplified likelihood can be formed as follows;

\[\mathcal{L}_{SL}(\mu,\theta) = \underbrace{\left[\prod_i^N {\rm Poiss}\left(n^i_{obs} | \lambda_i(\mu, \theta)\right) \right]}_{\rm main\ model} \cdot \underbrace{\mathcal{N}(\theta | 0, \rho)}_{\rm constraint\ model}\]

Here the first term is the so-called main model based on Poisson distribution centred around \(\lambda_i(\mu, \theta) = \mu n^i_{sig} + \theta + n^i_{bkg}\) and the second term is the multivariate normal distribution centred around zero with the correlation matrix \(\rho\).

  • signal_yields (np.ndarray) – signal yields

  • background_yields (np.ndarray) – background yields

  • data (np.ndarray) – observations

  • covariance_matrix (np.ndarray) – covariance matrix (square matrix)

  • signal_uncertainty_configuration (Dict[Text, Any]], default None) –

    Configuration input for signal uncertainties

    • absolute_uncertainties (List[float]): Absolute uncertainties for the signal

    • absolute_uncertainty_envelops (List[Tuple[float, float]]): upper and lower

      uncertainty envelops

    • correlation_matrix (List[List[float]]): Correlation matrix

    • third_moments (List[float]): diagonal elemetns of the third moment


Each input should have the same dimensionality, i.e. if data has three regions, signal_yields and background_yields inputs should have three regions as well. Additionally covariance_matrix is expected to be square matrix, thus for a three region statistical model it is expected to be 3x3 matrix.


>>> import spey

>>> stat_wrapper = spey.get_backend('default_pdf.correlated_background')

>>> signal_yields = [12.0, 11.0]
>>> background_yields = [50.0, 52.0]
>>> data = [51, 48]
>>> covariance_matrix = [[3.,0.5], [0.6,7.]]

>>> statistical_model = stat_wrapper(signal_yields,background_yields,data,covariance_matrix)
>>> print(statistical_model.exclusion_confidence_level())
__init__(signal_yields: ndarray, background_yields: ndarray, data: ndarray, covariance_matrix: ndarray, signal_uncertainty_configuration: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]#


__init__(signal_yields, background_yields, ...)

asimov_negative_loglikelihood([poi_test, ...])

Compute negative log-likelihood at fixed \(\mu\) for Asimov data.

combine(other, **kwargs)

A routine to combine to statistical models.

config([allow_negative_signal, poi_upper_bound])

Model configuration.

expected_data(pars[, include_auxiliary])

Compute the expected value of the statistical model

get_hessian_logpdf_func([expected, data])

Currently Hessian of \(\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)\) is only used to compute variance on \(\mu\).

get_logpdf_func([expected, data])

Generate function to compute \(\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)\) where \(\mu\) is the parameter of interest and \(\theta\) are nuisance parameters.

get_objective_function([expected, data, do_grad])

Objective function i.e. twice negative log-likelihood, \(-2\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)\).


Retreives the function to sample from.


A backend specific method to minimize negative log-likelihood for Asimov data.

minimize_negative_loglikelihood([expected, ...])

A backend specific method to minimize negative log-likelihood.

negative_loglikelihood([poi_test, expected])

Backend specific method to compute negative log-likelihood for a parameter of interest \(\mu\).



Constraints to be used during optimisation process



Author of the backend


retreive constraint model distribution


Returns True if at least one bin has non-zero signal yield.


retreive the main model distribution


Name of the backend


Spey version required for the backend


Version of the backend