Source code for spey_pyhf.interface

"""pyhf plugin for spey interface"""

import copy
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Text, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from spey.base import ModelConfig
from spey.base.backend_base import BackendBase
from spey.utils import ExpectationType

from . import manager
from ._version import __version__
from .data import Base, FullStatisticalModelData, SimpleModelData
from .utils import objective_wrapper

__all__ = ["UncorrelatedBackground", "FullStatisticalModel"]

def __dir__():
    return __all__

[docs]class ModelNotDefined(Exception): """Undefined model exception"""
[docs]class CombinationError(Exception): """Combination of the models are not possible"""
class PyhfInterface(BackendBase): """ pyhf Interface. For details on input structure please see `this link <>`_ Args: signal_yields (``Union[List[Dict], float, List[float]]``): Signal yields can be given in three different structure: * ``List[Dict]``: This is a ``JSONPATCH`` type of input. * ``float``: single float type of input will be used to create a single bin statistical model. This input expects both ``data`` and ``background_yields`` inputs are ``float`` as well. * ``List[float]]``: This input type will be used to create an uncorrelated multi-bin statistical model. This input expects both ``data`` and ``background_yields`` inputs are ``List[float]]`` as well. data (``Union[Dict, float, List[float]]]``): Data input can be given in three different forms: * ``Dict``: This input is expected to be background only ``JSON`` based statistical model input. Please see the details from the link above. * ``float``: single float type of input will be used to create a single bin statistical model. This input expects both ``signal_yields`` and ``background_yields`` inputs are ``float`` as well. * ``List[float]]``: This input type will be used to create an uncorrelated multi-bin statistical model. This input expects both ``signal_yields`` and ``background_yields`` inputs are ``List[float]]`` as well. background_yields (``Union[float, List[float]]``, default ``None``): If ``data`` and ``signal_yields`` inputs are ``float`` or ``List[float]`` type, this input will be used to set the SM background yields in the statistical model. Not used when ``signal_yields`` and ``data`` are in ``JSON`` format. absolute_background_unc (``Union[float, List[float]]``, default ``None``): If ``data`` and ``signal_yields`` inputs are ``float`` or ``List[float]`` type, this input will be used to set the absolute uncertainties in the SM background. Not used when ``signal_yields`` and ``data`` are in ``JSON`` format. """ name: Text = "pyhf.base" """Name of the backend""" version: Text = __version__ """Version of the backend""" author: Text = "SpeysideHEP" """Author of the backend""" spey_requires: Text = ">=0.1.0" """Spey version required for the backend""" doi: List[Text] = ["10.5281/zenodo.1169739", "10.21105/joss.02823"] """Citable DOI for the backend""" __slots__ = ["_model", "manager"] def __init__(self): self.manager = manager """pyhf Manager to handle the interface with pyhf""" @property def model(self) -> Base: """Retreive statistical model container""" if hasattr(self, "_model"): return self._model raise ModelNotDefined("Statistical model is not defined.") @property def is_alive(self) -> bool: """Returns True if at least one bin has non-zero signal yield.""" return self.model.isAlive def config( self, allow_negative_signal: bool = True, poi_upper_bound: float = 10.0 ) -> ModelConfig: r""" Model configuration. Args: allow_negative_signal (``bool``, default ``True``): If ``True`` :math:`\hat\mu` value will be allowed to be negative. poi_upper_bound (``float``, default ``40.0``): upper bound for parameter of interest, :math:`\mu`. Returns: ~spey.base.ModelConfig: Model configuration. Information regarding the position of POI in parameter list, suggested input and bounds. """ return self.model.config( allow_negative_signal=allow_negative_signal, poi_upper_bound=poi_upper_bound ) def expected_data(self, pars: List[float]) -> List[float]: r""" Compute the expected value of the statistical model Args: pars (``List[float]``): nuisance parameters, :math:`\theta` and parameter of interest, :math:`\mu`. Returns: ``List[float]``: Expected data of the statistical model """ return self.model()[1].expected_data(pars) def get_logpdf_func( self, expected: ExpectationType = ExpectationType.observed, data: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], float]: r""" Generate function to compute :math:`\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)` where :math:`\mu` is the parameter of interest and :math:`\theta` are nuisance parameters. Args: expected (~spey.ExpectationType): Sets which values the fitting algorithm should focus and p-values to be computed. * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.observed`: Computes the p-values with via post-fit prescriotion which means that the experimental data will be assumed to be the truth (default). * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.aposteriori`: Computes the expected p-values with via post-fit prescriotion which means that the experimental data will be assumed to be the truth. * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.apriori`: Computes the expected p-values with via pre-fit prescription which means that the SM will be assumed to be the truth. data (``Union[List[float], np.ndarray]``, default ``None``): input data that to fit Returns: ``Callable[[np.ndarray], float]``: Function that takes fit parameters (:math:`\mu` and :math:`\theta`) and computes :math:`\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)`. """ # CHECK THE MODEL BOUNDS!! # POI Test needs to be adjusted according to the boundaries for sake of convergence # see issue # comment # NOTE During tests we observed that shifting poi with respect to bounds is not needed. _, model, data_org = self.model(expected=expected) return lambda pars: model.logpdf( pars, self.manager.pyhf.tensorlib.astensor(data_org if data is None else data) )[0] def get_hessian_logpdf_func( self, expected: ExpectationType = ExpectationType.observed, data: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], float]: r""" Currently Hessian of :math:`\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)` is only used to compute variance on :math:`\mu`. This method returns a callable function which takes fit parameters (:math:`\mu` and :math:`\theta`) and returns Hessian. Args: expected (~spey.ExpectationType): Sets which values the fitting algorithm should focus and p-values to be computed. * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.observed`: Computes the p-values with via post-fit prescriotion which means that the experimental data will be assumed to be the truth (default). * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.aposteriori`: Computes the expected p-values with via post-fit prescriotion which means that the experimental data will be assumed to be the truth. * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.apriori`: Computes the expected p-values with via pre-fit prescription which means that the SM will be assumed to be the truth. data (``Union[List[float], np.ndarray]``, default ``None``): input data that to fit Returns: ``Callable[[np.ndarray], float]``: Function that takes fit parameters (:math:`\mu` and :math:`\theta`) and returns Hessian of :math:`\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)`. """ logpdf = self.get_logpdf_func(expected, data) if self.manager.backend == "jax": hess = self.manager.backend_accessor.hessian(logpdf) def func(pars: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute hessian of logpdf""" return np.array(hess(self.manager.pyhf.tensorlib.astensor(pars))) return func raise NotImplementedError( f"Hessian is not available in {self.manager.backend} backend" ) def get_objective_function( self, expected: ExpectationType = ExpectationType.observed, data: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, do_grad: bool = True, ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], Union[float, Tuple[float, np.ndarray]]]: r""" Objective function is the function to perform the optimisation on. This function is expected to be twice negative log-likelihood, :math:`-2\log\mathcal{L}(\mu, \theta)`. Additionally, if available it canbe bundled with the gradient of twice negative log-likelihood. Args: expected (~spey.ExpectationType): Sets which values the fitting algorithm should focus and p-values to be computed. * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.observed`: Computes the p-values with via post-fit prescriotion which means that the experimental data will be assumed to be the truth (default). * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.aposteriori`: Computes the expected p-values with via post-fit prescriotion which means that the experimental data will be assumed to be the truth. * :obj:`~spey.ExpectationType.apriori`: Computes the expected p-values with via pre-fit prescription which means that the SM will be assumed to be the truth. data (``Union[List[float], np.ndarray]``, default ``None``): input data that to fit do_grad (``bool``, default ``True``): If ``True`` return objective and its gradient as ``tuple`` (subject to availablility) if ``False`` only returns objective function. Returns: ``Callable[[np.ndarray], Union[float, Tuple[float, np.ndarray]]]``: Function which takes fit parameters (:math:`\mu` and :math:`\theta`) and returns either objective or objective and its gradient. """ if do_grad and not self.manager.grad_available: raise NotImplementedError( f"Gradient is not available for {self.manager.backend} backend." ) _, model, data_org = self.model(expected=expected) return objective_wrapper( data=data_org if data is None else data, pdf=model, do_grad=do_grad ) def get_sampler(self, pars: np.ndarray) -> Callable[[int], np.ndarray]: r""" Retreives the function to sample from. Args: pars (:obj:`np.ndarray`): fit parameters (:math:`\mu` and :math:`\theta`) Returns: ``Callable[[int], np.ndarray]``: Function that takes ``number_of_samples`` as input and draws as many samples from the statistical model. """ _, model, _ = self.model() params = self.manager.pyhf.tensorlib.astensor(pars) def sampler(number_of_samples: int, include_auxiliary: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """ Sample generator for the statistical model Args: number_of_samples (``int``): number of samples to be drawn from the model include_auxiliary (``bool``, default ``True``): wether or not to include auxiliary data coming from the constraint model. Returns: ``np.ndarray``: generated samples """ if include_auxiliary: pdf = model.make_pdf(params) else: pdf = model.main_model.make_pdf(params) return np.array(pdf.sample((number_of_samples,))) return sampler
[docs]class UncorrelatedBackground(PyhfInterface): """ This backend initiates ``pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background``, forming an uncorrelated histogram structure with given inputs. Args: signal_yields (``List[float]``): signal yields background_yields (``List[float]``): background yields data (``List[float]``): observations absolute_uncertainties (``List[float]``): absolute uncertainties on the background """ name: Text = "pyhf.uncorrelated_background" """Name of the backend""" version: Text = __version__ """Version of the backend""" author: Text = "SpeysideHEP" """Author of the backend""" spey_requires: Text = PyhfInterface.spey_requires """Spey version required for the backend""" doi: List[Text] = PyhfInterface.doi """Citable DOI for the backend""" def __init__( self, signal_yields: List[float], background_yields: List[float], data: List[int], absolute_uncertainties: List[float], ): super().__init__() self._model = SimpleModelData( signal_yields, background_yields, data, absolute_uncertainties )
[docs]class FullStatisticalModel(PyhfInterface): """ pyhf Interface. For details on input structure please see `this link <>`_ Args: signal_patch (``List[Dict]``): Patch data for signal model. please see `this link <>`_ for details on the structure of the input. background_only_model (``Dict`` or ``Text``): This input expects background only data that describes the full statistical model for the background. It also accepts ``str`` input which indicates the full path to the background only ``JSON`` file. Example: .. code-block:: python3 :linenos: >>> import spey >>> background_only = { ... "channels": [ ... { ... "name": "singlechannel", ... "samples": [ ... { ... "name": "background", ... "data": [50.0, 52.0], ... "modifiers": [ ... { ... "name": "uncorr_bkguncrt", ... "type": "shapesys", ... "data": [3.0, 7.0], ... } ... ], ... } ... ], ... } ... ], ... "observations": [{"name": "singlechannel", "data": [51.0, 48.0]}], ... "measurements": [{"name": "Measurement", "config": {"poi": "mu", "parameters": []}}], ... "version": "1.0.0", ... } >>> signal = [ ... { ... "op": "add", ... "path": "/channels/0/samples/1", ... "value": { ... "name": "signal", ... "data": [12.0, 11.0], ... "modifiers": [{"name": "mu", "type": "normfactor", "data": None}], ... }, ... } ... ] >>> stat_wrapper = spey.get_backend("pyhf") >>> statistical_model = stat_wrapper( ... analysis="simple_pyhf", ... background_only_model=background_only, ... signal_patch=signal, ... ) >>> statistical_model.exclusion_confidence_level() # [0.9474850259721279] """ name: Text = "pyhf" """Name of the backend""" version: Text = __version__ """Version of the backend""" author: Text = "SpeysideHEP" """Author of the backend""" spey_requires: Text = PyhfInterface.spey_requires """Spey version required for the backend""" doi: List[Text] = PyhfInterface.doi """Citable DOI for the backend""" def __init__( self, signal_patch: Dict, background_only_model: Union[Text, Dict], ): super().__init__() self._model = FullStatisticalModelData(signal_patch, background_only_model)
[docs] def combine(self, other, **kwargs): """ Combine full statistical models generated by pyhf interface Args: other (``FullStatisticalModel``): other statistical model to be combined with this model kwargs: pyhf specific inputs: * join (``str``, default ``None``): How to join the two workspaces. Pick from ``"none"``, ``"outer"``, ``"left outer"`` or "right outer". * merge_channels (``bool``): Whether or not to merge channels when performing the combine. This is only done with ``"outer"``, ``"left outer"``, and ``"right outer"`` options. non-pyhf specific inputs: * update_measurements (``bool``, default ``True``): In case the measurement name of two statistical models are the same, other statistical model's measurement name will be updated. If set to ``False`` measurements will remain as is. .. note:: This model is ``"left"`` and other model is considered to be ``"right"``. Raises: ``CombinationError``: Raised if its not possible to combine statistical models. Returns: :obj:`~spey-pyhf.interface.FullStatisticalModel`: Combined statistical model. """ assert isinstance( other, FullStatisticalModel ), f"Combination between {} and {} backends is not available." update_measurements = kwargs.pop("update_measurements", True) this_workspace = copy.deepcopy(self.model.workspace) other_workspace = copy.deepcopy(other.model.workspace) if update_measurements: warnings.warn( "Measurement names are identical which may create problems during combination." "The measurement name of the other statistical model will be updated. " "However, if this is not the desired action please set ``update_measurements`` to ``False``." ) for this_measurement in this_workspace["measurements"]: for idy, other_measurement in enumerate(other_workspace["measurements"]): if this_measurement["name"] == other_measurement["name"]: other_workspace["measurements"][idy]["name"] += "_updated" try: combined_workspace = self.manager.pyhf.Workspace.combine( this_workspace, other_workspace, **kwargs ) except Exception as err: raise CombinationError( "Unable to combine given background only models, they might not be compatible." "Please try with different `join` option : 'none', 'outer', 'left outer', or 'right outer'" " and `merge_channels` option." ) from err # Reorganise signal patch # Collect channel names for combined model combined_channel_names = [ch["name"] for ch in combined_workspace["channels"]] this_channel_names = [ch["name"] for ch in this_workspace["channels"]] other_channel_names = [ch["name"] for ch in other_workspace["channels"]] # genereta channel map for this signal patch to find the # location of the channel in the combined workspace this_channel_map = { this_channel_names[int(patch["path"].split("/")[2])]: patch for patch in copy.deepcopy(self.model.signal_patch) } # genereta channel map for other signal patch to find the # location of the channel in the combined workspace other_channel_map = { other_channel_names[int(patch["path"].split("/")[2])]: patch for patch in copy.deepcopy(other.model.signal_patch) } new_signal_patch = [] to_remove = [] for chid, chname in enumerate(combined_channel_names): current_map = None if chname in this_channel_map.keys(): current_map = copy.deepcopy(this_channel_map) elif chname in other_channel_map.keys(): current_map = copy.deepcopy(other_channel_map) else: raise CombinationError( f"Signal patch is not weldefined. Can not find channel {chname} in either signal patches." ) current_signal = current_map[chname] # update channel path current_path = current_signal["path"].split("/")[1:] current_path[1] = str(chid) current_signal["path"] = "/" + "/".join(current_path) if current_signal["op"] != "remove": # update signal name current_signal["value"][ "name" ] = f"{current_signal['value']['name']}_CID_{chid}" new_signal_patch.append(current_signal) else: to_remove.append(current_signal) # reorder the patches that will be removed i.e. lowest channel id should be at the end. to_remove.sort(key=lambda x: int(x["path"].split("/")[1:][1]), reverse=True) new_signal_patch += to_remove # Generate new statistical model return FullStatisticalModel( signal_patch=new_signal_patch, background_only_model=dict(combined_workspace) )